
Help pave the way for your child’s perfect smile.

We understand that as a parent, you want the very best for your child.  Of course, this includes having healthy teeth and a beautiful smile. 

Ideal Age for Evaluation

While an orthodontist can enhance a smile at any age, there is an ideal time to evaluate for treatment.  The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children receive their first orthodontic evaluation by 7 years old or at the first sign of orthodontic issues.  Typically by age 7, the adult first molars have erupted, helping to create the bite on your child’s back teeth.  Our orthodontists can then start to evaluate the front-to-back and side-to-side bite relationships.

By evaluating children early, orthodontists can recognize potential problems and correct them before the issues become serious. Because children still have the potential to grow and many of their adult teeth have not yet erupted, there is time to either guide growth in a more favorable direction or create space for teeth. If treatment is not recommended at the time, orthodontists are trained to skillfully monitor growth and development and initiate treatment at the ideal time for your child. Contact us today to learn more!

Phase I

Phase 1, also known as Early Orthopedic Treatment, is accomplished when some baby teeth are still present. Early treatment can be used to improve overall health by promoting the normal growth of the jaws, and to increase the space available for adult teeth to erupt into position.  During this phase, the orthodontist may work with the pediatric dentist to eliminate unfavorable habits, such as thumb sucking and tongue thrusting.

Goals of Phase 1 include the following

Guide jaw growth and thereby help to improve facial symmetry

Decrease the risk of impacted adult teeth

Improve the nasal airway—decreasing the need for mouth breathing and future sleep problems, among other maladies

Improve how the lips come together

Decrease the risk of trauma to protruded front teeth

Phase I Completion

After accomplishing the goals of Phase 1, and once most of the adult teeth have erupted, your child can be evaluated to see if he or she could benefit from further care.